Saturday 31 March 2007

When you go down to the woods today...

I went on a new walk this morning and it was lots of fun because ALL my hoomans came with me! It's usually just me and mum! There was a biiiig dark forest with loads of trees and squirrels and birdies for me to sniff and chase!

I was a bit dissapointed because I had to stay on my long lead. Mum said it was because there were loads of crazy mountain bikers about so it wasn't really safe for me to go off exploring. There were loads of nice things to smell though so I wasn't complaining!

I practiced my recall and tried to stay still and pose when mum let me off the lead for photos - but there are far more interesting things to do!!!

I payed attention to mum when she blew her whistle...

And I found a nice big mossy stick to carry around....yum yum!

All in all, a good mornings work I think! But I want to go out again now...and I only came in half an hour ago! Hee hee!

In sibling related news, mum is going to see the Pug lady again on won't be long until the babies are born! I'm starting to feel excited but a bit scared about the responsibility of having to look after a little puppy!! What if they don't like me? What if I don't like them?! I hope thy are as lovely as Suki - I think i'd be quite happy then! I was looking on the internet earlier to see if I could read some more about Pugs and find some videos of them and I came across is scary! It made mum laugh but I like the quiet life - I never bark unless I'm told...I hope my little brother or sister doesn't do this!!!

Oh dear oh dear...Hee hee! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!



Sophie Brador said...

Oh my! I just don't even know what to say. I can't imagine Suki would do that.

On another note, Sophie just found my airmiles card and is trying to book a flight out. She has decided she wants to live with you because you are cute and have a great place to walk!

Rachel said...

lol - aww thanks for thinking I'm cute Sophie! *blushes*...


Lady Kaos said...

WHOA! I'm sure you're new sibling won't do that. Being a big sibling (I'm the middle child, but the biggest) is fun. I love taking care of my siblings (even though one is a cat).

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I'm like you, I rarely bark, which is quite unusual for an Airedale actually!

Oscar x